Eighty-Sixth Collection

You maybe won't tell right away but this photo is shot in the Netherlands, soesterduinen to be precise, a very nice dessert like environment. This tree caught my attention right away with the nice backdrop!

Post-boda realizado en Roma, las diferentes plazas nos gustan para la sesión pero la plaza del Panteón siempre tiene algo especial para tomar fotos. Todos los caminos conducen a Roma.

Kasteel de Hooge Vuursche, located near Baarn (NL), is a lovely venue with a lot of great settings for remarkable wedding shots. Some obvious (like the water fountain in the front yard), but also some more hidden. This lovely couple K&D took advantage of having plenty of time for the wedding shoots. So after having checked the most obvious must-have spots of Hooge Vuursche, we took took this funny shot at the back entrance. Thanks Wedisson! Much obliged.

In an awesome old castle we made this lovely picture from this couple. It was cold and windy but that was excellent circumstances for the bride's veill.

Jessica looked absolutely stunning in her beautiful wedding dress at Longstow Hall in Cambridgeshire. One of the most beautiful brides I have ever seen!

My 30th Wedisson Award.
It's a proud moment for me and my country Mauritius.
I am the only one to have reached this milestone.
Thank you, my clients and the team who have always been by my side
Thank you Wedisson for enabling us Photographers to challenge ourselves at all levels

The couples beloved pet dog certainly stole the show at this wedding. He even had his own bandana made for him as the ring bearer.

At Wood Norton Wedding Venue in Worcester UK there is an awesome tree swing which is just perfect for nice photographs of newly married couples. In this phot I went for a more fun photo with the bride and her bridesmaids pushing her eon the swing!

My region is full of surprise. Each day deserve a surprise. And I deserve a new surprise for each couple shoot. What ever the time, the location and the mood of the day. My shots are different. Anyway... And you?

Great way to ending with all smile while having smoke bomb, weather was winter but never fail for them still out and enjoying every min.

Basically, getting ready is one of the most beautiful moments during a wedding. The transformation into a beautiful bride, with a professional make-up and a great hairstyle and of course the wonderful wedding dress, is unique. The moment when the dress is closed in the last step and thus the transformation is visually completed is always magical. I really enjoy and love this special moment.

This was such a great wedding, Samantha & Lucas where up for having a laugh, so we cracked a bottle and gave it a shake!!
Venue - Sibson Inn

Katy and James will forever my English country Garden dream wedding. Beautiful classic Hollywood vibe in the raw setting of Chippenham Park.

This is one of my favourite natural wedding portraits. The photo was taken at Fanhams Hall in Hertfordshire, UK. The couple were backlit with beautiful golden light and I asked them to walk towards me, while bumping hips. The prompt help generate the natural reaction and helped create a photo that the couple love.

With a storm raging over Newmarket, and the sun coming out in Ely, our bride and groom were blessed with some amazing weather, and this awesome opportunity for us to get this shot at The Old Hall Ely

Rachel and Kenneth taking a minute to themselves after sneaking to a little pathway leading to the beautiful cliffs in Ballycotton, Co. Cork. Ireland.

Meet Julie & Herman
This wedding was one that reminded me why I love being a wedding
photographer in NYC, not because we got great shots but everyone are so kind enough to help you to achieve your artistic vision. Specially when you have the best police force in the world to make you feel unique and help you to make the best images of your Bride and Groom.
New York City, US

The mini was restored by the groom so we wanted in to include it somehow into their story. As the couple went for a walk it made sense in the moment to shoot through the windows into the distance as they walked into a sweet spot where they could be seen.

This photo was taken in an 11th century ruin of an Abbey which once housed the King of Meath and featured prominently in the film Braveheart. It also holds sentimental value to the bride as she and her family used to visit it as a child so it was an excellent choice for their wedding photos.

Under the eiffel tower this beautiful couple took there moment for a small dance. We put on some music and everyone around us, started also with dancing!

This was the best bride ever! We had so much fun on their wedding. It was a great venue, great weather and great people. She went for this without hasitating.

My second award from this wedding in Northamptonshire. I love it when I can have so much creative fun with my clients. I took this image at the end of the day and the cold air gave the image a lens flare from the tree lights. What an epic shot!

My second award from Olivia and Darragh's wedding at Waterford Castle, Ireland. I wanted a moody theme for this one, shooting it slightly under exposed and popping off a white smoke bomb behind them for that extra effect. Love this shot!

The couple arrived at their reception venue before the other guests so I took the opportunity to get a photo of them together with the stunning view.

“On Yer Bike “
Irish / Canadian couple return home to Ireland for their wedding day at Cabra Castle Hotel in Kingscourt. Their love of motorbikes & the great outdoor life back in Canada was the theme for their wedding which was captured in this image

Fun wedding held in Lincolnshire, UK. At the time of taking this photo everyone was in good spirits, out came the dance moves and the slippers!

This was the final image I took of the bride just before she went to the ceremony. You can see she is so excited to get married.

I love to take advantage of available light, and this venue had the most beautiful tree which lit up during the evening! I love the way the bride and groom are silhouetted against the backdrop of the tree.