One Hundred and First Collection

This is all about playing with sun and shadows while giving the bridescouple the time of their live!

In between meals I took the couple outside the venue to pose with my umbrella during an intimate moment. With her holding my flash and him holding the umbrella this is just a magical picture because you can also see the people in the venue in the background.

It rained all day, I mean every second of the day it poured down. We had a choice, let it kill the vibe or get out and embrace it.
We chose to dance.

This beach has been so good for pre wedding shoots, a very hot day gave the most incredible condition. Just a snip of what North Wales has to offer.

Arianna, "sposa dal cuore caldo", dolcissima e innamoratissima del suo sposo. In questo scatto, ho percepito ,serenità e dolcezza, disegnati entrambi dalla luce.

As a wedding photographer, you have a unique opportunity to freeze moments in time and turn them into everlasting memories. This lovely couple wanted to go to the rapeseed, the beauty of the rapeseed and there car gave this awesome result.

A silhouette is always a great idea. Especially in an industrial location as this one. The elegant perfection of the newlyweds and the robuste surroundings match fantastically.

When you don’t get a sunset, and can see the bride & groom are disappointed, fear not we’ll create a shot that they’ll love ❤️
The Old Halls pavilion is used a lot by photographers, but not many use a 5 light set up to give you the drama, something different from the norm!

A perfect little spot that allows the sunset to peek through as my couple fell in love all over again.

We had a lot of luck that day. It was raining all day and just before sunset, the sun came out and we had the chance to take these beautiful pictures there at the beach in South of France.

We left the church to a sea of brightly coloured umbrellas. Nothing was stopping us get a confetti shot. My gorgeous couple smiled all day.

Questa foto vede immortalati due simpaticissimi gemellini, Giulia e Santiago , in continuo battibecco tra di loro, per una patatina.Potrebbe sembrare un bacio ma non lo é. La simpaticissima Giulia sta rubando la patatina dalla bocca del fratellino.

The Old Hall Ely is a wedding venue that gives us so much inspiration, but we didn’t expect to get this shot of Klea, our bride, being launched into the air by the groomsmen!
Klea watched us doing a similar shot with Dan, her groom, and immediately asked if she could have a go, and obviously we couldn’t refuse 😂

This couple was so much fun! A bridge tucked back in some woods and a field. I asked the couple to run across the bridge as the sun set behind them.

Giornata indimenticabile,il matrimonio di Cosimo e Patrizia, una giornata caldissima estiva , mentre immortalavo uno dei tanti momenti per loro indimenticabili, per pochissimi istanti e` venuta giù qualche gocciolina, regalandoci questo scatto pieno d´ amore.

With a very hazy sky I had to get this couple out for this very different sunset. Ashlee’s veil was angelic!

I can not describe how much I enjoyed this beautiful gay wedding. I have taken so many pictures of this sweet couple that give me a warm heart when I look back at them.

Sophie & James amazing wedding in this beautiful setting nestled in the mountainous hills in Tuscany. My first ever destination wedding - take me back there. So many awesome shoot locations. WOW! what an amazing experience. Al fresco dining, partying under the stars. The perfect balance for a perfect couple I was truly spoilt and honoured to be part of it!
Venue Villa Corsini a Mezzomonte - Tuscany