Sarah Carter




🇬🇧 The United Kingdom

Also serving:

Cambridge (The United Kingdom)


Grand Member

26 awards left until the Master of Photography

151st place in The United Kingdom

With us

1 year

Studio Name

Sarah Carter Photography

Of all the things I have ever done, writing a bio about myself seems to be the hardest. Where do you start? How far back do you go? I can photograph weddings all day long, tie stray shoelaces, fix buttonholes, tame wild veils, wipe tears and find lost bridesmaids. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. Talking about me, not so easy but here goes.

I live in a little town in Lincolnshire not far from Cambridgeshire and Rutland borders.
I have a husband, a son who is 9, a cat called Lola, dog called George and various stuffed toys that seem to be part of the family now.
I like cake and wine. If there is no cake or wine its fine. I like tea too.

I like to be creative; I like to travel, and I like a good book. 80s amd 90s music lover, I will dance at weddings. Hate chocolate. I'll just leave that last point there.

Winning photos

The groom's car had to make an appearance in the wedding photos!

111th Collection

Taken in the grounds of Aswarby Rectory in Lincolnshire. The hottest day of the year so far. The light was beautiful.

110th Collection

Shot through the arm of a bridesmaid to frame the beautiful bride.

110th Collection

Taken on the steps at Barton Hall Hotel in Kettering.

109th Collection

Taken on the steps at Kinmount House Scitland.

108th Collection

My beautiful bride and groom sharing a moment in the Orangery at Barton Hall Hotel.

107th Collection

This was taken at Harlaxton Manor in Grangham. It was such a dreamy day.

106th Collection

This was taken New Years Eve at The William Cecil I'm Stamford. My couple had an incredible day this moment summed it up perfectly.

106th Collection

Taken in the woods at Stourton Estates, there was a patch of sunlight and we made the most of it.

105th Collection

Taken at Whatton House Gardens. It rained most of the day and then the sun came out early evening.

105th Collection

Taken in the rain at the Old Hall ely. The wettest wedding I've ever been at.

104th Collection

Taken at Harlaxton Manor. My couple took a moment out to relax together and this images just happened. It was just us in a room laughing and I grabbed my camera.

104th Collection

This was taken on such a rainy day (hence all the mud). The sun came out late afternoon and we walked the grounds to get some portraits.

102nd Collection

This was another rainy day but we just made the most of it and waited for sunset for these shots.

102nd Collection

When you run a bus company a vintage bus seems like a great place for a shot! The rainy day didn't dampen our spirits.

101st Collection

It rained all day, I mean every second of the day it poured down. We had a choice, let it kill the vibe or get out and embrace it.
We chose to dance.

101st Collection

We left the church to a sea of brightly coloured umbrellas. Nothing was stopping us get a confetti shot. My gorgeous couple smiled all day.

101st Collection

My couple wanted a photo of their rings We had plenty of time to play around with a few options, and we all settled on this as the shot to use.

100th Collection

The light in the window at Harlaxton Manor was a perfect spot for my bride to sit and put her shoes on.

99th Collection