Simon Meindertsma




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Minimum price/hours

191$ per hour | 12 hours minimum

With us

5 years

Studio Name

Winning photos

This friends photo, was just so hilarious! At the end of this shoot they picked up the bride but she almost slipped away out of the hands of her friends!

42nd Collection

During this super cool wedding of this gorgeous couple on the beautiful Rhederoord estate, there was some time left in the late afternoon to shoot some beautiful pictures. I took themto that beautiful field in front Rhederoord.

After putting two chairs on both sides of the barbed wire, the bride could be carried over the fence with her beautiful tight dress by her loving husband. The sun had a beautiful last hour with soft light. Sometimes you want to have a nice picture of a veil worn by the wind.

And then there's Murphy's law: if you want some soft breeze, there isn't one coming anymore. I sat on the ground in the tall grass waiting for the moment that did not come. I kept looking through my 70-200 lens and saw the amazing connection that these two people had all day. And then there was that unexpected breeze...

32nd Collection