Lee Daniels




šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ The United Kingdom

Also serving:

Leicester (The United Kingdom)



Selected photos in 2022

TOP10 photographer in 2022


Grand Master of Photography

2nd place in The United Kingdom

With us

5 years

Studio Name

Lee Daniels Photography

Award trophies

I have a real passion for delivering beautiful images that reflect the authentic, heartfelt emotions of a wedding.
I document the day in a relaxed manor, picking up on all the key moments, whilst capturing all the fun and humour as it unfolds
I really thrive on making the most of the natural landscape, Iā€™m a sucker for a large moody sky or a stunning starlit evening, not to mention the magic of the golden hour, chasing light is a must at any wedding

Winning photos

The coldest wedding I have ever shot at, but that comes with benefits also, a lovely layer of snow on the ground and some atmospheric conditions.

Venue - Bassmead Manor

93rd Collection

Alex & Jane brought a handful of smoke bombs to use on their wedding day. I enjoy using the white ones to create this atmospheric effect, it works best with a bright sun behind, I then just concentrated on my composition to get the desired look

Venue - Granary Barns Boston

92nd Collection

A storm was brewing all day, so when it hit and I saw the streaks of lightening piecing through I had to rush and grab Zoe & Dan, thankfully they were up for it. Really happy we managed to capture something like this

Venue - Bassmead Manor

91st Collection

Antonio & Sophie decided to have a reveal before their ceremony which meant we had plenty of time to create some fun, relaxed images before they got married, a great idea in my eyes.

Venue - Doddington Hall

91st Collection

An autumn moon rises over Bassmead Manor Barns. Ricky & Danielle were more than willing to nip out and capture some nighttime portraits

90th Collection

When Rachel & Josh asked me to capture their day in Devon, I jumped at the chance. The highlight of the wedding for me was heading to the beach with their dog Lilly, with every intention of playing in the sand and sea, and that's exactly what we did!

Venue - Sandy Cove

89th Collection

Any excuse to get the drone up and this was a good one. Jess & Steven's ride for the day look great from the ground and the air. I took many images during this shoot, but this was one of my favourites

Venue - Bassmead Manor

89th Collection

A sunset stroll by the canal. Lizzie & James had a very relaxed wedding day vibe, which meant there was plenty of time for couples portraits in the evening, just the most perfect evening

88th Collection

A moments relaxation and reflection in one of Burghley House's most iconic rooms. Lauren & Adam were a dream to work with, they quite happily explored the vastness of Burghley House, a photographer's paradise

88th Collection

We visited this location straight after the church service, it was so good we had to head back at golden hour, I'm so glad we did! Ellie & Adam spent many romantic moments such as this one during our time there.

88th Collection

These moments to yourself are priceless on a wedding day, time to reflect, catch up and soak it all up. Sophie & Thomas in the wild flowers of Sissons Barn

87th Collection

This pair had an infectious personalities, the joy in their faces really shone through in their images. This is the fresh married feeling exiting the church

87th Collection

I love it when couples embrace the rain, Kirsty-ann & Shaun did just that, it was drizzle for most of the day, so I was happy we good create something special for them in the early evening

87th Collection

This was such a great wedding, Samantha & Lucas where up for having a laugh, so we cracked a bottle and gave it a shake!!

Venue - Sibson Inn

86th Collection

It was a windy one, but this didn't stop Chloe & her bridesmaids getting outside and having some fun, I really enjoy this part of the day, when I get a chance to have a little banter with the groomsmen & Bride squad!

Venue - Granary Estates

86th Collection

I spotted this composition earlier in the day and always had it mind for a night-time portrait. It was an added bonus that the moon decide to rise to complement the image further

85th Collection

Ring of fire! I'd been waiting a while for the right conditions to try this technique out. I set up my composition first then played around with different angles to create the desired effect

Venue - Bassmead Manor

85th Collection

I usually visit this location by day, but we decided to give it a go in the evening and I'm so glad I did, It was a little harder to navigate teh obstacles and to set up the lighting, but in the end we got there and i'm I really happy with the result.

Venue - Haycock Wansford

84th Collection

Usually the kids go all shy when I ask them to have a quick kiss, but not these two, what super stars!

Venue - Thicket Priory

84th Collection

A 1500 ceremony in winter isn't what photographers really want to hear, but this sparker exit sure lit up the scene at Molly & Ross's beautiful DIY wedding

83rd Collection