Anne Troost - Backhuijs


Troost - Backhuijs


🇳🇱 Netherlands

Also serving:

Utrecht (Netherlands)


Senior Member

8 awards left until the Grand Member

32nd place in Netherlands

With us

2 years

Studio Name

La Vie by Anne

Trouwfotograaf met net dat beetje extra.

Winning photos

When everything comes togethers.

118th Collection

So much love in the freezing cold. You don't need much for a stunning photoshoot on your wedding day.

118th Collection

One of the most amazing wedding photoshoots I did. We went to the most amazing theme park in the Netherlands: de Efteling.

115th Collection

When you see this beautiful light in the forrest, just dance in the middle and enjoy the love of this beautiful wedding couple.

114th Collection

Aan het einde van een prachtige dag, verliet het bruidspaar de trouwlocatie gevolgd door hun enthousiaste dochter ✨

112th Collection

Een fijn momentje samen, nog even, voordat de ceremonie begint. Even genieten van elkaar voordat jullie worden ondergedompeld in de rest van de dag ❤️

112th Collection

Als de fotoshoot “in het water valt” maar je een herkansing krijgt met de mooiste golden hour die je maar kan wensen ✨

112th Collection

Nog even samen genieten van de ondergaande zon. Samen de dag herbeleven voordat het weer voorbij is ❤️

111th Collection

Samen genieten tijdens de fotoshoot. Even alleen op de wereld en wegdromen in elkaars ogen ❤️

110th Collection

They are on top of the world!

108th Collection

I love the make creative shots and use the environment to do so.

106th Collection

The moment we went home, we drove along the beautiful spot. The wedding car was the car from the brides dad so it was very special for them.
We parked the car, opened the roof, added a flash and this was the amazing result.

105th Collection

Wauw, so very happy with an other award.

It was so much fun, making tons of different creative group photo's. All the guests had fun during the shoot and that is just as important as the end result.

104th Collection

I always take the wedding couple out during golden hour. Not only because it will be beautiful photo's but also to have a relaxed moment together, to take in all that is happend on their wedding day and to enjoy all the little moments before the day will end.

102nd Collection

At the end of the evening, there was a gorgeous golden hour. So i asked the newly weds if they would to enjoy the sunset. Just a little moment together, to take in the whole day en enjoy every moment of it.

It only took me 5 minutes to make the most stunning photo's of them. After showing the photo's on my camera, the groom run back to the venue to fetch more couples. He said: they deserve these kind of pictures to.

99th Collection

At the end of the afternoon it was raining really badly. Suddenly a saw some nice sunlight coming through the storm clouds. So i took a sprint to the wedding couple and told them that they had to see this beautiful sky.

They walked outside with me and decided to dance in the evening sun.

98th Collection

I always have to smile when i see this picture again. Before the photoshoot i was driving behind the newly weds towards the photoshoot location when i saw this beautiful road. I knew i was gonna make an epic photo here so i started honking to get there attention. A bit confused the groom asked me why i did that.

I told them my plan and asked the best men if he will keep an eye on the road, so we can do the shoot. What i didn't know was that it was a very busy road where people were driving like loonatics. Gladly there was a nice contractor who blocked the road for us with his van so we hade moment to take the picture.

96th Collection

Just the look of this couple to each other melts my heart.

96th Collection

It looks like this lovely couple is on an exotic island. But they aren't. They're in the middel of the Netherlands, enjoying a quiet moment together before the big busy day starts. The groom was not very fan of taking pictures but he kept smiling form ear to ear when he looked to his future wife.

I loved this moment, and it's one of my favorite photo's of their wedding. Thank you, dear couple for choosing me as your wedding photographer.

95th Collection