Fifty-Eighth Collection

We took this photo in the mast forest near Breda. It owes its name to the many large pines that used to be called 'mast trees'. Among other things, ship masts were made from it. The soft light and these princesses make it seem like a fairy tale.

Kirstin and Laurent, my newlywedโs enjoying a moment of togetherness at the stunning Irnham Hall. Letting the light lead to love.

When it rains, I say let it rain! Backlit by a Lowell GL-1, handheld by my assistant, and taken with a Fuji XT-2 @ 56mm f1.4. I keep a matching set of umbrellas in my car year-round. You never know when it'll rain, and you don't want to end up relying on the venue for some old, disregarded umbrella.

Ulm, die Stadt mit den vielen Gesichtern!
Egal ob im Frรผhjahr, im Sommer, im Herbst oder im Winter, die Universitรคtsstadt Ulm zeigt mit vielen Ecken wie wunderschรถn sie ist.
So schรถn wie das Paar das ich fotografieren durfte. Elena und Patrick, eine wunderbare Liebesgeschichte.

It was a very spontaneous idea. A guest had the balloons as a present and when I saw them I came up with the idea. I like the combination of real people and comic balloons.

Words arenโt enough to express this moment. It was a late evening at the beach, the sun was about to set and was living the sky with its shiny orange glacier. We were living the best part of our lives and cherish our relationship.

It was a very cold and rainy day in November. But the couple was so nice and the joined every idea.
And the clouds were specially made to take such pictures with a strong flash. This picture is one of my absolute favorites.