Daniëlle Kila - Van Koesveld


Kila - Van Koesveld


🇳🇱 Netherlands

Minimum price/hours

180$ per hour | 6 hours minimum


Senior Member

15 awards left until the Grand Member

41st place in Netherlands

With us

6 years

Studio Name

Kila Fotografie

I am passionate about my work, it's the best "job" ever, because it does not feel like working but playing the whole time ;-) creating images that pop up as creative ideas in my head and see them unfold before my camera....yes, that is happiness.

Winning photos

What a beautiful location in Breda.
A vineyard and a bed and breakfast.

Huize Druivelaar. A unique location and with the typical Dutch weather a good hideout for rainy wedding days.

109th Collection

a wedding in beautiful Toscane, in a little town called Montepulciano at vil'la Cicolina.
We took off with the couple to make some pictures on the estate, there were som many places that were magical but this little chapel was teh best !!

83rd Collection

In the little streets behind the crazy and busy scène of St. Tropez it is quiet, and the shadows are a welcome guest on this hot day.
The couple was superfun and relaxt and in for some fun shots.

80th Collection

A little church in the middle of Dordrecht, a small town in The Netherlands. Before the ceremony started there was a small lunch in a separate room of the church. A room where all time stood still as it seems. It looked like a painting of a famous dutch painter, I saw how the light was falling over the parents and bride and took the picture just before they spotted me taking it.

66th Collection

When these ladies asked me to take a picture from a very high tower, I must say I was a bit scared….But when I was shooting (while shaking in my boots) I could already see that this was a perfect picture. As they walk side by side, they start the next chapter in their lives….it was a beautiful moment...

49th Collection

This foto has been taken on the Lofotes, Norway. Despite the stormy weather we had so much fun during this shoot.
The Lofotes are such a beautiful place, quiet, beautiful landscapes, and a very special place to get maried, especially during midsummer nights were it never gets dark.

42nd Collection

This couple had to indure the heat of this small room where the picture was taken.
When we were finished we ran outside to catch some cool wind. We had zo much fun together. Without their patience this picture would not be as cool as it is now.

41st Collection