Yamina Meeuwsen




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Minimum price/hours

150$ per hour | 6 hours minimum



2 awards left until the Senior Member

56th place in Netherlands

With us

1 year

Studio Name

Your moments fotografie

Winning photos

We were at a beautiful castle for the photo shoot. And when I saw this, I knew I wanted to take a beautiful photo of the bride and groom here.

105th Collection

an intimate and pure moment with mother and daughter

100th Collection

a quiet and loving moment with theorie family before the ceremony started.

100th Collection

Ik was opzoek naar de bruid, en vond haar bij de Fotobooth samen met haar dochter. Ik probeerde stiekem een foto te maken van dit leuke moment, maar ze had me toch door.

94th Collection

Ik ging samen met het bruidspaar nog even voor de ceremonie op pad naar een mooie locatie. Even een momentje samen voordat het spannende gedeelte ging gebeuren!

93rd Collection

This bridal couple had the entire wedding on their own land, it was amazing. And when we saw that a piece of land was full of beautiful yellow flowers, we took some pictures here. This photo is one of them

92nd Collection

This was the moment when Sophie & Jeffrey just arrived at the wedding venue where their family and friends were going to see them for the first time. And the bride's look says it all , she couldn't wait to show what a beautiful bride she was.

88th Collection

This was just a loving friend moment, and what could be better than a love full hug from all your friends at the same time! And the proud looks of her friends in this photo say enough how much they love her

88th Collection