Liselot Kamphuis




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Minimum price/hours

175$ per hour | 6 hours minimum

With us

6 years

Studio Name

Liselot Kamphuis Fotografie

Love to capture your most beautiful memories in a picture
Real moments and pure emotions put together on film

Winning photos

Prachtig avondlicht, deze pakken we altijd nog even mee!!

100th Collection

Love to use the sunlight in a creative way!

94th Collection

Dance like nobody's watching <3

94th Collection

It rained very hard this evening and then I saw the sun coming trough. I ran to the bride en said "we have to take a picture outside, NOW!" We quickly went to an open field and catched a beautiful golden 5 minutes in the rain.

91st Collection

I saw this field with wild roses and put the couple in for an amazing picture

90th Collection

This groom wanted a different kind of picture, he went all-in!

89th Collection

During the couple photoshoot I always let the bride and groom do a little dance or twirl, and every time it gives great pictures!!

88th Collection

These two beautiful ladies wanted to take some extra shots with golden hour. I saw this field and let them dance together and celebrate their love.

85th Collection