Gerbert Voortman




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Also serving:

Enschede (Netherlands)

With us

4 years

Studio Name - Weddingpix


I am Gerbert Voortman from the Netherlands. what a very grateful and creative profession we have! I try to create ultimate photos by looking and thinking creatively. Angles and reflections that have never been photographed before. How nice to be part of Wedisson, I am happy to be inspired by your amazing artworks!


Gerbert Voortman -> Weddingpix

Winning photos

This Peaky Blinders Wedding was awesome! The ambiance and people we work with was such a great expierence and we where lucky with the most Peaky day of the year.

92nd Collection

At 'Hoog Holten' we go inside because of the rain. But as always, rainy days are creative days so Alwin and Laura get a piece of art.

79th Collection

During the weddingparty looked for a new hotspot. And found it in the backyard of the great location Brodshoes in Rijssen. Climbing on a chair while all partypeople looked.

78th Collection

Oh nooo, the rain started and then? Then its partytime, thabks to the lovely bride and groom who did not panic and a big shout out to the huge umbrella!

78th Collection

Because of a very rainy dag we moved to a location where did the weddingshoot inside a building. Because of a fire parts of the roof hanging down and we look tru it and saw opportunitisch. Some extra light by flashes creates the ultimate shot.

77th Collection

After a great great weddingday at Het Rheins in Enter, the Netherlands, we had a blue hour and take the opertunity to create a special shot with some flashes while all guest where watching. Anne-Marie and Martijn, thanks a lot, you're amazing people!

76th Collection