Elisabeth Hiemstra-dijkstra




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Minimum price/hours

150$ per hour | 6 hours minimum



4 awards left until the Senior Member

85th place in Netherlands

With us

3 years

Studio Name

Elisabeth Fotografie

Ik ben Elisabeth Hiemstra-Dijkstra en woon op het prachtige platteland van Nederland. Ik hou van spontane momenten en vind het onwijs leuk om met bruidsparen hun mooiste herinneringen te maken!
Zie ik jou binnenkort voor mijn lens?

Winning photos

Unfortunately, this bridal couple had to change their wedding date due to covid. We made this love shoot in blossom time. Their own horse was a great model during this photo shoot. On their wedding day in September 2021, I can photograph their day and the horse will certainly love it again.

73rd Collection

This couple was so happy they could celebrate there love! During covid-19 everything was so insecure.
Both the bride and groom are blown away by the wind!

71st Collection