🇧🇪 Belgium
Gent (Belgium)
150$ per hour | 2 hours minimum
With us
2 years
Studio Name
William Linthout fotografie
I am William Linthout and I live in Ternat (Belgium) near our capital Brussels.
Photography has fascinated me from an early age and it was my dream to become a professional photographer one day. Weddings are my favorite subject and it gives me great satisfaction to capture those happy couples.
Photography, my passion and my profession. I thank everyone for this oportunity.
* European Professional Photographer
Winning photos
Although I always inform myself I was not aware that something was going to be thrown, so I had to compose very quickly and still managed to capture everything and also the hands that were throwing.
116th CollectionIn the fields of love.
113th CollectionOh girls just wanna have fun... At first it was a simple photo but when I asked everyone to lift their left foot, and then higher and higher it got really interesting.
112th CollectionA wedding also includes bubbles. We took this photo on the banks of the Scheldt in Antwerp using some flashes to clearly capture the bubbles. The dramatic sky made this photo even more interesting.
111th CollectionThis fantastic couple wanted a city photo shoot. We went to their home city of Antwerp and took some photos in the metro. The photo was taken handheld with a longer shutter speed with a passing subway car, which produced this nice effect.
111th CollectionAltijd leuk als de bruid haar bloemen gaat gooien en spannend wie hem gaat vangen.
Alles gaat snel en als fotograaf heb je maar enkele kansen voor het goede shot.
It's always fun when the bride throws her flowers and it's exciting to see who will catch them. Everything moves fast and as a photographer you only have a few chances for the right shot.
This picture was made by daylight on a sunny hot day. I love the naturel atraction between the bride & the groom and you can feel the love. I put it in black & white because it makes the picture stronger in my opinion.
101st CollectionThis photo was taken during a short break between dinner and the arrival of guests for the reception and evening party. We had a maximum of 10 minutes to take this picture. Some smoke and a colored flash did the rest.
96th Collection