Julie De Bock


De Bock


🇧🇪 Belgium

Also serving:

Roeselare (Belgium)



6 awards left until the Senior Member

20th place in Belgium

With us

10 months

Studio Name

Julie De Bock Fotografie

Marketeer en graficus van opleiding. Vrouw van Dries en mama van twee mini mensjes. Ik groeide op naast de donkere kamer van mijn opa. Ik ben ervan overtuigd dat het zaadje toen al gepland werd. Voorliefde voor natuurlijke fotografie vol levensechte kleuren.

Winning photos

M+A met in New Zealand. Him being a sole traver from Belgium and she a sole traveler from France, they were put together in a kayak. Love started sparkling. When organising their wedding, they specifically chose a location where they could relive their first meeting. Despite the cold rainy weather, they didn't let it stop them. They descended the pond to be warmly welcomed by their family and friends. Their look says it all!

106th Collection