Dwayne Maikel




🇳🇱 Netherlands



Selected photos in 2017

TOP10 photographer in 2017

With us

5 years

Studio Name

DM Fotografie


Winning photos

A lovely cold, winter wedding. Beautiful sunset sky. Thanks, Wedisson for picking this one out.

58th Collection

We went for a walk to shoot a couple more shots of this beautiful couple. Suddenly the wind came and it lets the wedding dress float on the wind.

54th Collection

A perfect June day, a lovely couple and a bit of creativity make this nice summer shot.
Check out more of this couple on www.dmfotografie.nl
Thanks wedisson!

47th Collection

A great beam of the light, beautiful couple and an awesome first dance makes this a complete and awesome photo!
Thanks for selecting this image Wedisson! For more work check out www.dmfotografie.com

46th Collection

A lovely summer day, awesome couple and a beautiful city makes this beautiful picture.
Thanks Wedisson for picking this picture.

21st Collection

Midday shoot. Awesome couple and a bit of sun flare!
This shot was taken before a lovely church.
I positioned my shot so the sun would hit my lens.

Thanks for selecting Wedisson!

19th Collection