Arjan Van Der Plaat


Van Der Plaat


🇳🇱 Netherlands

Also serving:

Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Minimum price/hours

200$ per hour | 8 hours minimum




Senior Member

9 awards left until the Grand Member

30th place in Netherlands

With us

11 months

Studio Name

The Wedding Story

Enjoy! We take care of all the rest. Your wedding, a relaxed day of which you want to take in every second and enjoy without being interrupted by a photographer. This is something we understand very well, which is why we have perfected the art of blending in with your guests and make sure capture the whole day without being seen. "Within minutes we did not even notice you were there" is the compliment we hear often and it is something which makes us very proud!

A tear rolling down your mother's or father's cheak? Your grandmother laughing so hard it hurts? We capture it all! We happen to have an extra sharp eye for emotions and capturing the moment. During photography we use humor and we do not stage anything. By now we have photogaphed over 300 weddings and there is one thing we are absolutely sure of: when you are enjoying yourselves we take the best pictures!