Rob Weijers




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Also serving:

Eindhoven (Netherlands)


Senior Member

15 awards left until the Grand Member

37th place in Netherlands

With us

4 years

Studio Name

Rob Weijers Fotografie

Hi, my name is Rob Weijers and i'm based in Venlo, The Netherlands.
Any questions, please contact me.

Winning photos

During a beautiful December wedding, we had to move to an indoor location due to the weather to take photos with the bridal couple. Fortunately, we have plenty of those in Venlo. I regularly visit this location to photograph weddings. The light from outside that shines through the stained glass already created a beautiful atmosphere, but adding a little magic completed the image.

106th Collection

During the 103 collection I won a nice award with a photo of the Volfswagen Beetle. It was the 2nd award with this car. Now I win a second award with the same bridal couple, how cool is that. Photo taken at a location where I have already taken several award-winning photos. So everything comes together nicely this time.

104th Collection

On a rainy day, it's great if the location you're in all day has these beautiful places that you can transform into something even more beautiful. This also applies to this newly renovated location, hotel, in the center of Venlo.

104th Collection

Award no. 12!
Super awesome. What makes this award extra special is that I won my first award in 2020 with a photo of the same car.
Even cooler is that this photo was taken on the same stretch of road in Venlo, only in the other direction.

103rd Collection

A few weeks before the wedding off F&E we did a nice pre wedding shoot in the area where we would also make the wedding reportage during the wedding. On the way back to the car I noticed this beautiful corner. This building is an old watermill in the village of Hout-Blerick in the city of Venlo. Everyone in the area knows this building. Because the bridal couple also live in this village, it was a great opportunity to photograph this building in a different light. Mission accomplished!

102nd Collection

During the reception of this wedding I saw a beautiful lamp hanging in the hall of this castle and immediately saw this image in front of me. The daylight, the lamps on the wall and ceiling and adding a little creativity complete this image. S&M thank you for your trust and the wonderful day, this one is yours!

100th Collection

This photo was taken at A&E's small and intimate wedding last fall. The light was very beautiful during the shoot and with that beautiful veil it had to be a "golden" combination. And so it happened 🎉🏆📸

95th Collection

This photo is the final shot at Wendy and Fraser's wedding. When we finished taking pictures outside we walked through a drab conference room back to the guests and I saw this bare wall. 1 flash and reflection under the lens, click and done.

94th Collection

The shooting of this wedding reportage took place between the rain showers. But luckily the bride and groom were tough guys. This photo was one of the last to take. The autumn colors, the bit of fog and the water in the background made for a beautiful setting. Bridal couple in the middle and done!

93rd Collection

This beautiful wedding deserved a great final shot. During the whole day the weather was quite changeable and it rained from time to time. The location where the whole day took place has very nice corners to make cool things. When we went out during the party to take some final images, this idea was born. When the photo was taken and the groom saw the photo his reaction was immediate: This is a moneyshot!

91st Collection

On the wedding day of L&C it rained almost all day so we had to look for other and more creative locations to take pictures. The ceremony was in an old church in the center of Venlo, Domani, and there is beautiful glass and lead in it. That was therefore a grateful subject to use and in this way to bring the bridal couple and the location together into 1 beautiful image.

88th Collection

This photo was taken during Jacky and Thomas' prewedding shoot. There is an elevation on the bank of the Maas in Venlo on which I let them walk for a while. At that time the sky was very beautiful blue and cloudy. Provided the reflection with a prism. In the meantime they are married, so maybe we'll see them again over here :-)

84th Collection

This photo was taken after an intimate ceremony with only close family. Afterwards we made a small photo report at this beautiful location. I'm glad that after the whole corona situation, this photo is the starting point of a new period. Thank you Wedisson

77th Collection

This shot was made during the love shoot with Jorik & Marrieke. During the session, he proposed to her en she said yes! We worked out the shoot in advance en she didn't know. The final shot that morning was this one and it all came together.

68th Collection

On the wedding day of Sjraar and Ellen, we went to the heather for the photoshoot. They had an amazing car that day, that I wanted to give a special place in the reportage. With the help of 3 speed lights and a great assistant, I made this shot.

67th Collection