Brigitte Ruijtenbeek




🇳🇱 Netherlands

Minimum price/hours

125$ per hour | 6 hours minimum



6 awards left until the Senior Member

93rd place in Netherlands

With us

4 months

My name is Britt, and I am a lifestyle wedding photographer in Groningen, Netherlands. With over 900 weddings under my belt, I am increasingly passionate about capturing beautiful memories for you every day. I love beautiful light, details, the love between you, but also unexpected moments and naughty little wedding kids ;-D

Winning photos

"The first look took place in the old cardboard factory; what a beautiful backdrop for the Peaky Blinders style of this wonderful wedding."

106th Collection

"How nice when your parents are married and you get to walk first through the rain of ribbons!"

106th Collection

"The wedding of Saskia and Bram took place on a beautiful day in September. I love lifestyle photography and am always curious about what will happen. And then the wind took over..."

105th Collection