Thirty-Sixth Collection

They fell in love in New Zealand, celebrated their engagement in Canada, and got married in the United States. For these world travellers, it doesn't matter where they are, as long as they are there together.

It was a very windy day and cold on the day of shooting, but I had this place as a plan B which we ended up shooting there. It was the best decision to get in and capture great photographs for this couple. The flash was not allowed and I wanted to create some effects with lighting. Then I tried to think of something to make the photos more interesting. I put them in a great pose, very intimate with the amazing architecture background to create this beautiful shot.

I took this picture during a beautiful wedding in the Westerwald (GER). After the ceremony the bride sit in the bridal car and she took that funny selfie with her bridesmaid.

This wedding took place in spring which is the season of love! Here I was lucky enough to capture two beautiful couples enjoying one of Herefordshire's magnificent sunsets.

This is the ''first sight'' moment of the groom and bride. Their families can't wait to see them too. Next to the door is a board with ''wow wat ben je mooi'' witch means: ''Wow, you are so beautiful''.

The wedding was in Manchester city centre and we went out the hotel for some portrait photos. On our way out to the hotel we heard some noise at the back. The bride was intrigued and decided to run back to see what was happening. We found the annual Naked Bike Ride and her hairdresser in it.

Bride on the staircase at Ashridge House in Hertfordshire. More of a castle than a house! I was really keen to make something of this staircase, but throughout the afternoon the area was full of guests. This was set up during the wedding breakfast and the bride spent a few minutes with me in between her dessert and coffee. Taken hand held on a Nikon D600 1/8sec f3.5 at 14mm with two diffused SB600 guns on stands

One last time, just before the end of the night we cleared the entrance to the Ritz Millenia Singapore, and precipitously asked Su Mae + Bryan to stand on the edge of a very slippery edge. We arranged our strobes, and took the shot.

When Kelsie and Jordan asked me to travel to Santorini to shoot their destination wedding I couldn't pack my bags quick enough! Straight from the service I took these guys for a little walk up to a small town called Casteli, the locals welcomed them with open arms and half way up they stopped for a first moment alone as the White's.

I remember asking this lovely couple if they were happy for me to put them in a car and take them around Russell to a spot I had in mind for some of their photos. They said "yes" and this is how this kind of magic happens.

"How will it looks like? Will everything be as we wanted? I can't wait!"
Surprised smile catched in a moment of bride's enthusiasm with first see of wedding decoration.
An impatient bride wants to look into a wedding salon and get surprised to see that someone else have a chance to see it before - the photographer!

What a great day at the lake. Wind, sun and clouds, all there to embrace this lovely young couple. You can image they just arrived with the rough sailing boat on the right, spending an intimate moment in the middle of a joyous wedding day.

I have always been in love with Houghton House and I knew it would be the perfect place to shoot Ren and Dom. This amazing couple contacted me with the request to get some romantic shots in their wedding attire to mark their first anniversary.
The shoot felt indulgent, I normally only have a short amount of time alone with the couple during a wedding so I was really able to capture them and this historic building from a myriad of different angles. Almost every wall offers a totally different look. I love this particular shot, the framing and embrace of the couple contrasting the ruin of the ancient mansion.

I love this photo of the cute bridesmaid watching the bride having her make-up done. She has a really intriguing facial expression. This was taken before Shelley and Alex's wedding at The Lensbury in Teddington.

Vitaly and Valerya - a wonderful couple! This photo is taken immediately after the wedding ceremony. The gentle bride enjoys the courageous hugs of her beloved groom. She is incredibly happy now, Valeria looks like a flying bird!

We love confetti at weddings, but in the case of Sophie and Stuart they may have just got a little carried away and ordered too much! This is also proof that you can never shoot to many frames. A half second either side of this would have been a missed shot.

I work as a fashion and wedding photographer. I was hired by a veil designer to photographer her designs for the year. Over a period of days I photographed several models at several locations. This shot was taken on the fly and is one of my favorites.

There's nothing better than celebrating your wedding day with your best friends. Having them cheer you on the whole day is the best feeling in the world! These are memories that will last a lifetime.

Sparklers! Fire! Danger! It's always a tricky one to capture. There's a hundred guests to manage, a one take experiment, and a very short burning time. For some reason, I love these. The madness, the last minute panic, and overall chaos - exactly how I like it!

I love this classical picture. It has the rounding and movement of a wave in the sea, as a symbol of the perpetual movement of life itself. In the heart of this wave is the brides couple, celebrating their love for each other, safely surrounded by the forces of nature.

What could be better than fresh wind and sea? What could be better than the closeness of a loved one? A tender couple from Odessa fulfilled her old dream and made a wedding trip on a yacht! Jacob and Christina love the sea, they are madly in love with each other and happy!

This is the room they got married in. Not that you would recognise it. We realised we could switch the chandelier with the wall lights. Set everything up, and asked Leigh and Sam to pose a little.

Cappadocia is one of the most romantic places on earth! Vlad and Karina love each other very much. The feelings of the newlyweds are also light, like these hundreds of balloons in the sky above the picturesque valley.