Daniel Dyntar




🇨🇭 Switzerland

Also serving:

ZĂźrich (Switzerland)

Minimum price/hours

600$ per hour | 2 hours minimum


Senior Member

17 awards left until the Grand Member

2nd place in Switzerland

With us

1 year

Studio Name

Daniel Dyntar Photography

Hey, ich bin Dani, Hochzeitsfotograf aus der Schweiz.
Liebend gerne begleite ich euch an eurem Hochzeitstag und mache diesen Tag zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis. Ich Ăźbernehme die komplette Arbeit von A-Z, ihr mĂźsst euch um nichts mehr kĂźmmern was die Bilder betrifft.

Ich halte jede Emotion, jede Träne und das ganze Geschehen in zeitlosen Bildern fest. So real, dass wenn ihr in ein paar Jahren auf eure Hochzeitsfotos schaut, das Gefßhl habt ihr hättet erst gerade JA gesagt.

Winning photos

Reproposal in Zermatt Switzerland with Mount Matterhorn in the backround.

119th Collection

With the helicopter to the Vorabgletscher for a couple shoot rught about 30 min. before the ceremony. One of my 2024 wedding season highlights.

117th Collection

With the helicopter to the Vorabgletscher for a couple shoot rught about 30 min. before the ceremony. This was soo awesome.

117th Collection

Autumn wedding vibes in Bad Ragaz Switzerland. This moment was right after the first look.

117th Collection

The bride and groom come out of the civil registry office and are greeted with cheers by the guests.

112th Collection

I just love to do this kind of pictures where the groom and the bride are just a bit separated but still somehow connected.

109th Collection

This wonderful couple shoot was made just a few moments before they get married. In an old building. I love to take photos in such awesome romantic and old buildings.

108th Collection

Beautiful wedding in Lenzburg Switzerland. Bride and groom leaving the place where they just married. I love this moment when the wedding guests welcome the newly married couple.

108th Collection

This was such a beautiful wedding at mount Rigi in Switzerland. It was very cold so I had only about 15 minutes for the sunset couple shoot. But it was a blast :)

107th Collection

Getting up early, was it worth it?

Yes and yes… We drove up into the mountains at 8 a.m., it was still quite cold. We warmed up a bit with the short 15 minute walk up to the shooting spot and then saw the sun rise over the mountains. The snow was really nice and fresh and powdery, the trees were white and the light was golden - it was dreamy.

I will be able to photograph Anja and Chrigi at their wedding in 2025 and after this mega shoot with the two of them, I'm looking forward to the wedding even more.

106th Collection

This location was a blast at St. Charles Hall in Meggen near lucerne in Switzerland. And the bride was awesome too. Was such a pleasure to have actually both the groom and the bride in front of my camera. Love zo take images with this kind of windows. It creates this elegance and epic pictures.

105th Collection

One of my favorite weddings. It was in Meiringen near the army airport. I love to have mountains in the background. This photo was taken after sunset and i love it. Awesome couple beautiful cloudy sky and mountains.

105th Collection

This was such an epic wedding shoot at mount pilatus near lucerne (Switzerland). The couple was from Washington and it was a pleasure to shoot with this two 🤍. The weather was Beautiful too with such me clouds. I really like it when it’s cloudy it is somehow more interesting then a boring blue sky ☺️.

105th Collection